Hmmm, should I or shouldn't I? Although I am super broke my current boots are 3 years old and pretty much shot. I've had to use super glue to re-attach each sole twice. They've been to every No Doubt concert I've ever been to, but one day on my walk back to the parking garage, the sole is going to come off for good.
The last repair was after the Marysville concert, after all that jumping, I noticed a funny sound and I looked down to see half the sole smacking against the pavement with each step. During last week's heat wave, I couldn't wear them at all. (That's all I need, for people to see how poor I am, lol.)
They are even the proper size! I'd have to go to San Francisco to get similar boots that would run at least $175.
Maybe I should try to sell my purple Docs first, they were always too big anyway.
Non-boot related news:
I've got to write a 3 page paper detailing my primary source for my research paper on Chinese prostitution in San Francisco in the 19th century. It's due at 3pm tomorrow. Today I checked out 15 pounds worth of books for the aforementioned paper. The SJSU library is shared between the city and the college, and check out policy is pretty much all you can carry. The 10 books I checked out were all that would fit in my backpack (my binder and Africa text were already taking up space.) On my trek back to the parking garage (I wanted to ditch the extra books before History of Africa class), I was crossing my fingers that the seam in my back pack would hold. (It seems like everything I own is falling apart, lol.) Of all my classes this writing workshop class is causing the most stress.
Last night between feeling sick and worrying about school I slept for two hours. When my alarm clock went off this morning I thought I'd set it for the wrong time.
Tomorrow Lisa is ditching writing workshop class to go to the Oakland A's game against Texas. We both ditched last week, but, there's no way I can do that two weeks in a row. Here's hoping the Texas Rangers don't go crazy and start throwing lawn furniture again.
All the usual suspects will be there: Phuong, Lisa B., Adrian, Anne, Mai, Tony, and Lara (whom I've never actually met, I've just seen pictures). Phuong bought all these tickets ahead of time but one of our friends backed out yesterday so there is an extra ticket. Alexandro can't go either. Phuong was thinking of inviting Lisa C., but thought better of it. She's not really an A's fan anyway. As Phuong said today "Yeah, I just have this really bad feeling that if we invite her, she'll get totally shit faced and taunt the A's or the Ranger's and we'll all get our asses kicked by the players or the audience or both. SO let's think of someone else."
This isn't just idle gossip. The very first time I ever went out with Lisa C . and her boyfriend was on Memorial day weekend, which also coincided with SJSU graduation. My dad was out of town so I spent most of Saturday with Phuong at a pool party/ Lisa's graduation party. After the pool party, we went downtown (pretty close to campus, actually) to some other party. Mostly everyone there were water polo players and the only people I knew were Phuong, Anne, and Lisa C. I'd just met Lisa's boyfriend, who I'll call Ed, her brother Josh, and two of Lisa's friends from high school. (Lisa C. is from Manhattan Beach or some other ritzy beach town).
Poor Phuong had just had her wisdom teeth pulled the day before and she wasn't drinking. (She was snapping her pain pills in half so she could drive if needed.) The only alcohol in sight was a keg filled with pretty skanky tasting beer. I wasn't going to drink either, as a show of solidarity with my amiga. But then she decided to have half a glass and I got pulled into a game of quarters with Anne, Lisa C., Josh, and a bunch of people whose names I don't remember and who I'll never see again. We got to this party at 10pm and around 1:15am, a completely shit-faced Lisa and Ed decided that we
absolutely had to go to this taco house like 2 blocks away before it closed for the night. Phuong was our driver, and I rode shot gun. Although this was the first time I'd met Ed, he'd been drunk the entire day-- I couldn't even hazard a guess at how many beers and shots he had.
We were in Anne's SUV which can seat seven people with seat belts. I'd only had
maybe one and a half beers, so I wasn't as fucked up as everyone else was. Lisa and her best friend from SoCal were sans seat belts, in the very back.
There were so many sobriety check points and road closures that there was no way to get to the taco place. Lisa yelled from the back to drive to the other taco house (I can't remember the name) which is part of the same chain, but eight blocks farther away (north).
Phuong did a great job parallel parking Anne's SUV (she usually drives a honda) and we were only half a block away from where we needed to be.
It should have been so EASY.
Our group got kind of spread out, and there was another group of guys coming towards us. Phuong and I were towards the middle of the group and Lisa and her boyfriend were maybe eight feet behind us.
I went to elementary school downtown, where, everyone's big brother or sister was in one gang or the other. You just learn different things about different groups of people-- general do's and don'ts. When I saw these guys coming towards us, I just looked towards the ground until they passed us.
Before we even got to the taqueria, Phuong and I heard scuffling behind us. Apparently, Ed didn't yield his portion of side walk and totally rammed his shoulder into this guy.
And instead of apologising or saying, "Hey, I didn't see you there" or whatever Ed totally starts arguing with the guy. Then they are both in each other's faces screaming and cursing at one another, which would have been bad enough. But the guy Ed was arguing with had at least ten friends with him.
Phuong, Lisa and I managed to pull Ed away and we made it into the taqueria. We were also followed by Ed's new friends. Josh and Lisa were holding Ed back. Phuong was placing herself between the two groups and I followed her. '
We were both apologising: We're so sorry, we don't want any trouble. Our friend's just too drunk ,he doesn't know what he's doing.'
Phuong and I stood our ground for at least 10 minutes like this. There we were trying to hold off 10 pissed off guys with sincere apologies-- angry young men who were cursing at us in English and Spanish. During all this confusion Ed kept running his mouth, and the angry mob crept closer and closer to us.
After out last round of apologies, we felt we head definitely made some head way. Our would be foes seemed to calm down a bit. There were actually at least 30 seconds of calm in which there was no swearing in any language. As a matter of fact, not a word was uttered by either group, or the fifteen other people who just happened to be eating there. The guy who Ed had offended issued one last warning threat which went something like "You better watch what you say, son, you're so badass one day you're gonna get your ass shot." But they were backing off. Relief slowly crept onto both our faces (Phuong and I) since there weren't ten guys screaming at us anymore.
And Then....
And Then....
Ed opened his big stupid pie hole again. Of all the things he could have said to make the situation better, I would have thought "
Hey, anytime you wanna go, Bitch!" would really be the last thing a person would want to say. Both Phuong and I looked back at him, and then at each other in horror. Some hispanic dude interceded on our behalf, otherwise I'm quite certain Phuong and I would have been crushed in the onslaught.
While the others ate tacos and burritos, both Phuong and I nursed our Sprites, noticing, with heavy hearts, that some people were gathered outside the door, waiting for us. Maybe it was because the others were all still drunk,
but only Phuong and I seemed to notice the gravity of the situation.
I still don't know what Ed was thinking. Their group had 10 guys, our group had 2 guys and 9 girls.
But as soon as we left the taqueria, the shit hit the fan. Half way back to the car, a cop car was coming down the street with it's sirens on. 'We're saved!' I thought. 'We're all getting arrested but we're saved.' Only the cop didn't stop, he kept on going.
During the melee the other side did brandish knives and Phuong and were still trying to shut Ed up and drag him back to the car. Actually, we still somehow ended up between all the pissed off drunk people. Lisa told us to bring the SUV and she and Josh would try to control the situation. (Come to think of it, the rest of our group were just sort of watching like bumps on a log, not helping us at all.)
Both of us dashed to the car and sped (half a block) back. When we got back, Lisa was going at it to. Pushing, punching.
Anne was the first in, and somehow Ed was forced in. Everyone made it in, as a matter of fact. Except Lisa and her friend. Anne's car has automatic locks, but at that precise moment, the tailgate lock started to malfunction and would not open. Then we heard Lisa yelling and saw her start pushing the guy who seemed to be in charge of our attackers. We had to physically restrain Ed while Josh, the ever dutiful big brother (and brand new fireman) went out to fetch the remaining two of our party.
I happened to see Lisa in action that night. She's a water polo player on the school team and pretty athletic. But I couldn't help but think 'Lisa, they aren't just going to spike the ball at you and leave it at that.' Sure enough she got knocked to the ground but somehow Josh managed to cram them in through the right passenger side of the SUV. There was so much traffic due to the sobriety check points that we were pinned in the parking spot. After the truck started to rock back and forth, Phuong shifted into park punched the gas (which made a very impressive and loud screech sound) which spooked the knife-wielding angry men enought to jump away.
Seeing our chance, Phuong shifted into drive screeched into traffic and pulled a crazy u- turn in the middle of the intersection and sped away.
The first few blocks were driven in absolute silence. Then Ed tried to talk to Lisa, who was crying.
"Fuck YOU Ed! You're such a fucking asshole!" and similar statements came tumbling out of Lisa's mouth.
The rest of us were completely silent, except for Lisa and Ed. But once Josh started talking, Ed decided to keep his mouth shut. I dunno who Josh had been most pissed off at, but both Lisa and Ed got an earful-- a lecture which, I'm told lasted for at least half an hour after Phuong and I left.
It was only the next week that we started to hear more stories about Ed. How he'd been thrown out of an A's game for starting a fight, and apparently getting his ass kicked in the process was just one tale. (See a pattern yet?)
Anyway, you're in pretty fucking bad shape if your first line of defense are two girls-- Phuong and I. I mean really, are we supposed to get our asses kicked for you or get stabbed?
So-- let's defintitely not take Lisa C. to the game.
Tomorrow I'm definitely wearing my boots. 'Cuz you just never know.
<3 Tragic Tuyen
(What, you thought I was kidding???)
PS. Here's my wish list for new clothes: (clickies)